Burcham’s Metals
How to Earn Money Recycling Your Metals at Burcham’s in Albany, Oregon
In order to get paid for your recycling items, follow four steps: park, unload, weigh up, and pay out. For more in-depth instruction, watch the following video!
See more recycling tips for making the most money »
Featured Items for Sale
Contact us if you have a question about any item listed here.

Steel Diamond Plate Sheets, 4'5"x8' (375lbs Each)

Steel / Stainless Steel Fire Rings, ~49" ID, ~54" OD

Field Fencing / Baling Wire, Approx 12-13 Gauge

Sign Letters, ~23-1/2" Tall
Recycling Services for Businesses
We work with local businesses to make metal recycling easy. Recycling your scrap metals with us is a great way to offset your operating costs. If you are a business that regularly generates scrap here are some services we can offer you.
- Recycling Containers
- Timely Pick-ups
- Accurate Weights
- Swift Payment